Building Community Wealth in the banking sector
This piece is a blog on the RSA’s website where Jules is a Fellow We all know...
Expert Adviser; Writer; Founding Member of Jericho Chambers
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Jules is Founder and Director of Avon Mutual a regional Mutual Community Bank for Bristol, Bath, Wiltshire, Somerset and Gloucestershire which is at the vanguard part of the development of a network of regional Community Banks across the UK.
Jules is also aa Founding Member Jericho Chambers, a progressive communications consultancy.
He is also a Research Fellow at the Washington DC Democracy Collaborative’s Next System Project. The focus of Jules’ research Fellowship in on New Systems: Possibilities and Proposals, comparing and contrasting diverse visions of a ‘next system’ in order to sense-make and understand their gaps, overlaps and tensions and to attempt synthesis and identify practical ways forward for new/next economy practice and research. The outcomes of this research will form the basis of ongoing Democracy Collaborative outreach to thinkers and practitioners on new/next economics in order to support this ecosystem of change to practically work on transitioning us towards a next system.
He is also a Fellow of the RSA, a member of the Advisory Group of Sir Richard Branson’s B Team, a member of the advisory board of influence-map, a Trustee of the think-tank nef (the New Economics Foundation), convener of the Real Economy Lab, Director of Happy City movement and member of the International Steering Group of Economy for Common Good and an associate of The Futures Company and winner of the strategy award in the 2015 WPP Atticus Awards for The 21st Century Business.
He also advises companies and social enterprises on strategy and purpose seen through the lens of sustainable economic development, wellbeing and the emerging next economy. Jules has advised many of the world’s largest companies, often at CEO/Board level, and worked at the EC, the UN, the WWF and as Director of David Cameron’s Quality of Life Commission.
Jules’ Quality of Life Commission report Blueprint for a Green Economy led to the Prime Minister calling on the Office for National Statistics to measure and develop policy based on wellbeing. The report was described as; “an enormously important report” (Friends of the Earth Director, Tony Juniper), “An extraordinary policy document grandly related human happiness to the present and future state of the planet leading the Conservatives away from naive free marketeering towards Cameron’s theme of social responsibility” (The Times) and “ground-breaking, indeed, yes, world-changing political work” (Worldchanging.com).
He is co-author, with Robert Phillips, of the wiki book www.citizenrenaissance.
He is a regular blogger for Huffington Post, Left Foot Forward, Compass, Green Alliance, The Guardian, Harvard Business Review and others, and a regular tweeter and public speaker.
Copyright 2014 Jules Peck. Jericho Chambers